Jurisdiction: | Illinois |
Entity Type: | Limited Liability Company |
Status: | Merged |
Date Formed: | 15 Sep 2010 |
Company Number: | LLC_03379329 |
File Number: | 03379329 |
Type of Management: | Manager Managed |
Date Status Change: | 18 Jul 2014 |
Address | 5333 BIRCHWOOD AVENUE, SKOKIE, 60077, IL |
Place of Formation: | ILLINOIS |
Name and Address | Role | Appointment Date |
ANDREW S FRIEDMAN, 8135 MONTICELLO AVENUE, SKOKIE, 60076 | Agent | 2013-08-26 |
Name and Address | Role | Appointment Date |
FRIEDMAN, ANDREW S, 661 VALLEY ROAD, GLENCOE, IL, 60022 | Manager | 2010-09-15 |
EISERMAN, MICHAEL H, 25 OAKMONT ROAD, HIGHLAND PARK, IL, 60035 | Manager | 2010-09-15 |
EISERMAN, JEFFREY A, 75 MAPLE HILL ROAD, GLENCOE, IL, 60022 | Manager | 2010-09-15 |
NETZKY, PAMELA, 803 W. BELDEN, CHICAGO, IL, 60614 | Manager | 2010-09-15 |
Date of last update: 23 Dec 2024