Jurisdiction: | Illinois |
Entity Type: | Limited Liability Company |
Status: | Involuntary Dissolution |
Date Formed: | 02 Sep 2005 |
Company Number: | LLC_01613413 |
File Number: | 01613413 |
Type of Management: | Manager Managed |
Date Status Change: | 09 Mar 2007 |
Address | 408 JOHNSON ST, POCAHONTAS, 62275, IL |
Place of Formation: | ILLINOIS |
Name and Address | Role | Appointment Date |
GEORGE E MARRON III, 1320 BROADWAY, HIGHLAND, 62249, MADISON | Agent | 2005-09-02 |
Name and Address | Role | Appointment Date |
DUGAN, STEVEN C, 408 JOHNSON ST, POCAHONTAS, IL, 62275 | Manager | 2005-09-02 |
CASHNER, CHARLES, 408 JOHNSON ST, POCAHONTAS, IL, 62275 | Manager | 2005-09-02 |
SHADE, MICHAEL, 11460 HICKORY FLAT RD, HIGHLAND, IL, 62249 | Manager | 2005-09-02 |
SHADE, DIANE, 11460 HICKORY FLAT RD, HIGHLAND, IL, 62249 | Manager | 2005-09-02 |
AMERICAN METAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 0108 280 9, 408 JOHSON ST, POCAHONTAS, IL, 62275 | Manager | 2005-09-02 |
Date of last update: 23 Dec 2024