Entity Name: | OMNI MATERIALS, INC. |
Jurisdiction: | Illinois |
Entity Type: | Corporation - Domestic BCA |
Status: | Goodstanding |
Date Formed: | 24 Aug 1999 |
Company Number: | CORP_60647844 |
File Number: | 60647844 |
Type of Business: | All Inclusive Purpose |
Address | 10443 S MUSKEGON AVE, CHICAGO, IL, 60617 |
Place of Formation: | ILLINOIS |
Type | Company Name | Company Number | State |
Headquarter of | OMNI MATERIALS, INC., NEW YORK | 2608466 | NEW YORK |
Headquarter of | OMNI MATERIALS, INC., IDAHO | 626524 | IDAHO |
Headquarter of | OMNI MATERIALS, INC., KENTUCKY | 0868539 | KENTUCKY |
Headquarter of | OMNI MATERIALS, INC., MINNESOTA | 364b1917-bd48-e311-8e3a-001ec94ffe7f | MINNESOTA |
Headquarter of | OMNI MATERIALS, INC., FLORIDA | F14000001693 | FLORIDA |
Name and Address | Role | Appointment Date |
DOUGLAS MCPHERSON, 1611 COLLEGE DR/PO BOX 458, MT CARMEL, 62863, WABASH | Agent | 2015-07-16 |
Name and Address | Role | Account Number |
MIKE MCPHERSON 242 LEAHMAE WAY MT CARMEL 62863 | President | No data |
Michael Mcpherson | President | 305256 |
Name and Address | Role | Account Number |
PHILIP HIPSHER 2309 COLLEGE DR MT CARMEL 62863 | Secretary | No data |
PHILIP G. HIPSHER | Secretary | 305256 |
License Type | License Number | Status | License Code | License Description | Business Activity | Date Issued | Effective Date | Expiration Date |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 1719043 | Issued | 1010 | Limited Business License | No data | 2024-05-16 | 2024-07-16 | 2026-07-15 |
Class | Series | Voting Rights | Authorized Shares | Issued Shares | Par Value |
COMMON | No data | Voting Rights | 1000 | 1000000 | No data |
Date of last update: 23 Dec 2024