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Company Details

Entity Name: KEY AUTO MALL, INC.
Jurisdiction: Illinois
Entity Type: Corporation - Domestic BCA
Status: Goodstanding
Date Formed: 03 Aug 1979
Company Number: CORP_51816811
File Number: 51816811
Place of Formation: ILLINOIS

Unique Entity ID

Unique Entity ID Expiration Date Physical Address Mailing Address
HS7NLSE96KF9 2024-01-30 3700 16TH ST, MOLINE, IL, 61265, 7207, USA 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265, USA

Business Information

Congressional District 17
State/Country of Incorporation IL, USA
Activation Date 2023-02-03
Initial Registration Date 2004-09-21
Entity Start Date 1979-09-20
Fiscal Year End Close Date Dec 31

Service Classifications

NAICS Codes 441110, 811191, 811198

Points of Contacts

Electronic Business
Address 3700 16TH ST, MOLINE, IL, 61265, USA
Address 3700 16TH ST, MOLINE, IL, 61265, USA
Government Business
Address 3700 16TH ST, MOLINE, IL, 61265, USA
Past Performance
Address 3700 16TH ST, MOLINE, IL, 61265, USA

form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
KEY AUTO MALL CAFETERIA PLAN 2022 363034894 2024-01-15 KEY AUTO MALL, INC. 197
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 501
Effective date of plan 2016-04-01
Business code 441110
Sponsor’s telephone number 3097625397
Plan sponsor’s mailing address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265
Plan sponsor’s address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 186
KEY AUTO MALL CAFETERIA PLAN 2021 363034894 2023-03-09 KEY AUTO MALL, INC. 197
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 501
Effective date of plan 2016-04-01
Business code 441110
Sponsor’s telephone number 3097625397
Plan sponsor’s mailing address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265
Plan sponsor’s address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 197
KEY AUTO MALL CAFETERIA PLAN 2020 363034894 2022-01-27 KEY AUTO MALL, INC. 184
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 501
Effective date of plan 2016-04-01
Business code 441110
Sponsor’s telephone number 3097625397
Plan sponsor’s mailing address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265
Plan sponsor’s address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 184
KEY AUTO MALL CAFETERIA PLAN 2019 363034894 2021-01-11 KEY AUTO MALL, INC. 217
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 501
Effective date of plan 2016-04-01
Business code 441110
Sponsor’s telephone number 3097625397
Plan sponsor’s mailing address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265
Plan sponsor’s address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 315
KEY AUTO MALL CAFETERIA PLAN 2018 363034894 2020-01-09 KEY AUTO MALL, INC. 169
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 501
Effective date of plan 2016-04-01
Business code 441110
Sponsor’s telephone number 3097625397
Plan sponsor’s mailing address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265
Plan sponsor’s address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 217
KEY AUTO MALL CAFETERIA PLAN 2017 363034894 2019-01-14 KEY AUTO MALL, INC. 169
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 501
Effective date of plan 2016-04-01
Business code 441110
Sponsor’s telephone number 3097625397
Plan sponsor’s mailing address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265
Plan sponsor’s address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 159
KEY BUICK 401(K) PLAN 2017 363034894 2018-10-15 KEY BUICK PONTIAC AMC INC. 53
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 333
Effective date of plan 1989-01-01
Business code 441110
Sponsor’s telephone number 3097645681
Plan sponsor’s address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 612657207
KEY AUTO MALL CAFETERIA PLAN 2016 363034894 2017-11-21 KEY AUTO MALL, INC. 0
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 501
Effective date of plan 2016-04-01
Business code 441110
Sponsor’s telephone number 3097625397
Plan sponsor’s mailing address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265
Plan sponsor’s address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 61265

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 169
KEY BUICK 401(K) PLAN 2016 363034894 2017-10-13 KEY BUICK PONTIAC AMC INC. 58
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 333
Effective date of plan 1989-01-01
Business code 441110
Sponsor’s telephone number 3097645681
Plan sponsor’s address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 612657207

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2017-10-12
Name of individual signing DALE ZUDE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2017-10-12
Name of individual signing DALE ZUDE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
KEY BUICK 401(K) PLAN 2015 363034894 2016-10-17 KEY BUICK PONTIAC AMC INC. 49
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 333
Effective date of plan 1989-01-01
Business code 441110
Sponsor’s telephone number 3097645681
Plan sponsor’s address 3700 16TH STREET, MOLINE, IL, 612657207

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2016-10-14
Name of individual signing DALE ZUDE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2016-10-14
Name of individual signing DALE ZUDE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature


Name and Address Role Appointment Date
BENJAMIN A. YEGGY, 5111 22ND AVE, MOLINE, 61265, ROCK ISLAND Agent 2021-04-13


Name and Address Role
DAVID J. KEHOE, 3700-16TH ST,MOLINE, IL, 61265 President


Name and Address Role
KEVIN D. KEHOE, 3700-16TH ST,MOLINE, IL, 61265 Secretary

Assumed Names

Name Type Effective Date Cancellation Date Cancellation Type Last Renewal Date
KEY CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM Assume Name 2011-10-12 No data No data No data
KEY MAZDA Assume Name 2010-08-18 1995-08-01 No data No data
KEY AUTO MALL No data 1995-08-09 2010-07-28 Voluntary Cancellation No data
KEY BUICK-PONTIAC-GMC TRUCK No data 1991-10-28 1995-08-01 Expired No data
KEY SUZUKI No data 1989-08-29 1995-08-01 Expired No data
KEY JEEP-EAGLE No data 1988-07-07 1991-01-02 Involuntary Cancellation No data
KEY NISSAN OF MOLINE No data 1986-08-05 1991-01-02 Involuntary Cancellation No data
KEY NISSAN MOLINE No data 1986-07-09 1986-08-05 Voluntary Cancellation No data
KEY IMPORTS No data 1986-07-02 1991-01-02 Involuntary Cancellation No data

Historical Names

Name Change Date


Class Series Voting Rights Authorized Shares Issued Shares Par Value
COMM No data Voting Rights 5000 5000000 100

Date of last update: 23 Dec 2024

Sources: Illinois Office of the Secretary of State